Your journey, Your Life – take control of it

I am undertaking a placement on Psychiatry at the moment and have attended a lot of different meetings including some on development of relationships between patient and team members.

A recent meeting was a little complex but has carried a message that resonates with me and my life personally. It is something that I think everyone should bare in mind.

You don’t always have to take the most direct or recommended route to get to the destination.
It is your journey.
Choose the path you want to take.

You are on your own journey from the start to the end and no one can tell you how to get to your destination.

And importantly, no one can tell you what destination you should be aiming for.

Your journey is yours to control.

Having assistance along the way is always beneficial and guidance from people you meet can help you out.

You can share experiences where your paths cross with others peoples own paths.

But at the end of the day, this is your journey, your life experience and you have to take ownership of that.

The path might fork at times or even split into 20 different paths. People can guide you on why you should take each path.
BUT it is your decision which path you choose.

No one else’s. Yours and yours alone.

And the right path might not always be the easiest – we learn from mistakes and difficulties therefore the harder path could be more beneficial in the end.

Taking the path least trodden often leads to a mind more developed and a life well lived.

Just take control and stay the path you have decided on. Stay the path and say no if you need.

This is your life and in the end it is you that matters.

Take control.

Once we take control of this and accept responsibility for the decisions we make, we can start to feel in charge and in power of ourselves.

This is what matters.

You and your journey.

You and no one else.

So disappoint people if you need but make sure you are happy with the decision you make and the paths you choose.

Keep on challenging that ocean and keep on

Sailing Forwards