Welcome to the Madness of my Brain

So I have been pondering this second post for a couple of weeks now and just cannot work out what to post about.
I have some posts in my drafts but don’t feel that any of them are quite right for this “second post status”.

Instead, I have begun this little ramble that will give you an insight into the working of my brain. And please let me know if it makes sense as I am yet to fathom out how this brain works.

Life is bizarre.

So bizarre that massive events and life-changing moments can have little to no impact on you BUT tiny little small things can leave you soppy, in tears or so angry that you want to explode!

I have never understood how to moderate my reactions to things or to even reduce them to normal people amounts and to be quite honest, I am not sure I ever will be able to.

For example, I recently watched a hospital soap episode and a patient died as this nurse cares for him and she just breaks down. Where does my brain go to, “I wonder if that is what happened when *insert family relative here* died last year”, was someone with them crying like this nurse on TV? And then I proceeded to badly control the tears running down my face.

Why is it that small moments like this can affect us so much? And what amazing actors these people are to make us sympathise with them!!

Truely I applaud that actress for bringing tears to my eyes.

I am sure that I won’t be the only person to have reacted in this way but by gosh, how amazing is it that, we as human beings, can feel such a wide range of emotions in our tiny little bodies and vast minds.

And there are so many different emotions that most of the time they are completely indescribable.

Emotions are So completely indescribable

If you think about it, no one will ever truely understands how you are feeling in any given moment as they can only listen to your explanation and try and relate it to their own similar situations.

In this sense, everything that you feel is completely unique.

Anyhow, now that I have gone off on a massive tangent and so you can truely see how my mind can wander and therefore how it might work, I shall leave you all in peace to digest this “second post”.

I hope it lives up to second post standards.

Enjoy your day!

Sailing Forwards