Sailing Forwards – This Is Me

beach, sea, sunset-1751455.jpg

So, hello everybody! And welcome to the randomness of my brain.

I am very new to this so please don’t judge me and any advice or tips would be appreciated.

Why am I doing this?

I am someone that has a lot of visions and dreams of how my life is going to turn out however, most of these never get put into plans and action. I AM FED UP of this version of me so I am trying to make a change.

Blogging is something I have thought of doing for a very long time and now I am finally trying to push myself to do it. Push myself out of my comfort zone and propel myself into discomfort because discomfort is where growth and development occurs.

I am also hoping that this can help motivate me with my day-to-day work as I will be able to feel productive through this blog so might feel the urge to be productive with my actual work.

Who am I?

I am just a girl navigating her way through the sea of life, hoping to help others captain their own ships across the ocean.

Now this might sound confusing but I shall explain the metaphor that I view my life with.

We are all on a journey, captaining our ships and navigating our own way through the stormy ocean of life. We start life being shown how to sail our ships on tiny lakes and streams but it is not until we flee the nest of home that we are truly thrown into the deep end. We get pushed into the never-ending ocean and told to go it alone, and that can be scary, hell it is scary. But that is okay.

I hope that makes sense but if not I shall try in a future post to explain better.

Going Forwards

My plan for this blog is quite vague and open so if people have anything they want me to talk about then fire away your ideas.

My simple plan is just to talk about my life and experiences and how I have got through them and therefore how this could benefit you or those you know. I by no means have a perfect life and by no means have the perfect map to guide you through life.

I am just blindly working my way through my own journey, trying to navigate my ship through the stormy ocean and am using this to help both myself and others.

So, I hope this is useful for some of you out there and I look forward to sharing my story with you all.