me vs me – contemplating the complex, emotions of life

So I went for a short walk and have found myself sat on a bench, contemplating life. Got apple juice and a big white, cloudy sky to look at. What more could you need.

Opened up Pinterest and what did I see, a pin that would go onto inspire me.

How true is this.

It’s me vs me. Nothing else matters.

Just me vs me.

I am doing better than I was last year, and I have evolved since last year. I evolved each and every year since the day I was born until today.

We are all still the same person that we were when we were kids we have just just evolved, grown up and become better because of each and every experience we have had.

Every lesson I have learnt, every hill we have fallen down, every crash, and every moment flying above the clouds. It is all a part of me and has all shaped me into the woman people meet today.

And every day, I want to do better.

I want to do better for me and ONLY me.

There are people around me that matter yes and I want to do them proud, yes. BUT overall, it is all for me.

Not some guy I may or may not be attached to.
Not my parents or my family (though I love them dearly).
Not for my friends (though I also love them dearly).

Just for me. Therefore, why should we worry about what other people say about us. That is their problem, not ours.

It’s not my fault that you think little of me, not my fault you don’t like me and certainly not my fault that you feel the need to chat shit about me behind me back.

Ignore the Chatter.

We, in general (myself included) have to learn to ignore the chatter and start to prioritise ourselves more. Do the things that we enjoy and do what we want for ourselves and not care about what other people might say.

Only then can we fly and soar above the clouds like we are supposed to.
And only then can we sail the roaring ocean’s, and captain the lives we were meant to lead.

So how can we go about doing this?
How can we prioritise ourselves?
How can we ignore the chatter?
How can we move forwards for ourselves and not other people?

It isn’t an easy thing to do, I have been trying for many years now and mostly failing BUT that is how we learn.

We make mistakes, we pick ourselves up, we learn from them and we move forwards and keep evolving.

Gratitude Journaling

One thing I have started to do for myself is work on my gratitude.

For the past 18 months I have kept a Gratitude Journal. Something I write in every evening just before bed.

I write down 3 things that I am thankful for that day.

It can be anything within that day. Could be the nice warm shower I had, the walk I went on with a friend or just the nice cheese and onion packet of crisps I had earlier that day.

Absolutely anything. From the small things of the day to the out-of-the-ordinary things of that day.

This helps me to see the good in every day, helps me to see the light in the darkness of the storm, helps to keep me grounded and refocus at the end of a long day.

So if you only do one thing today, do something for yourself, and try to practice gratitude. Maybe even start your own gratitude journal.

Treat yourself to a nice meal. Buy yourself the thing you really want to get. And don’t be afraid of the chocolate cake that you really wat to eat.

And remember, keep on sailing that ocean and captaining your ship onwards.

Keep dreaming and on

Sailing Forwards