I Found My People, Go and Find Yours

“How are you doing?”

I get asked this almost daily and my response is usually “I’m good” or “I’m fine
And is then followed by a cautionary

“I promise”

Now, most of the time this is a lie, I am not fine but I don’t want to bother people. A lot of people are like this.

But, there’s the few people who absolutely and truely know me .

They know that when I say “I am fine, I promise“, that this might not be true but that I do not want to talk about it at this present moment.

They know that when I am ready to talk, I will come to them and then will talk to them and ask for help. But in the mean time they know that I am handling it and can manage myself.

They know the ways that my brain works and allow me the space to process things on my own until the right moment for me to request some help or even just have someone to talk to.

My People, Your People

These people that know me, often better than I know myself, are MY PEOPLE.

My closest friends and confidants.
My closest comforts and bestest hugs.
The listening ears I can rely on and the comforting shoulders I can relax on.

We all need people like this in our lives, and when you find them you try so hard to never let them go. But you can’t smother them in issues too much as it might scare them off and you don’t want to burden them with all of your troubles.

These people WANT to help you.
They WANT to be there for you .
They WANT to be the person you can rely on in times of need.

And it is okay to accept help from others. Everyone needs to know this.

It is Okay To Accept Help From Others

It is okay to to offload on other people sometimes. They provide an outside perspective and can help you in ways that you cannot help yourself.

Sometimes, just offloading and talking about things can be a solution in itself. The act of speaking things out loud can help you to hear the problem and even the solution before you even realise that you have one.

I know it can be hard to let others in but trust me, it can be so beneficial.

You just need to find something that can work for you and if it’s not talking to your person then that is okay. There are other ways to let out your feelings and solve your problems.

Find something that works for you.

I will try and shar =e some other methods in future posts so keep and eye out for my handy tips in the future

Hoping you all find your own person to talk to,

Keep on going,

Sailing Forwards