An Amazing book for a Miserable day

Quick Author’s Note/Side Note

I am in no way a good writer or someone who writes book reviews, this is just my opinion and views of a book that I have enjoyed and would like to share with other people.
This is in no means meant to cause any offence to anyone should that impression come about.

I hope you like my insights into this book .

Reading Spells

I haven’t always been the best reader. I tend to go through reading spells, as I like to call them.

Every few months (maybe 6 or so) I shall read a tonne of books and there is nothing you can do to stop me BUT then, the opposite of that happens and I go through reading troughs where I will not read any books no matter how hard you might try to get me to read.

I feel like maybe this happens to all of us but sometimes it can get annoying when people just don’t understand that I am in a trough and will read when I am back in a spell that I feel like reading.

Now, a few months back (I am talking about 6 months ago), a couple of friends of mine read this book one after the other and then recommended it to me. Furthermore, another friend listened to the audiobook and also said it was good and so I should read it.

3 people recommended it to me in the end!

Well that’s it then, I MUST READ THIS BOOK, but ……
I am in a reading trough and super do not feel like it – oh dear.

I read maybe 1 chapter in 3 months (about 12 pages – whoops). Then a further 50 pages or so a couple of months later.

BUT……!!!!!!!! dun dun duhhhhhhhh
…today occurred.

A grotty, rainy and, miserable day and so I just thought, you know what, this is the perfect day to read.
So I got this book out, curled up onto the sofa and started reading.

OMFG! 400 pages and 8 hours later (with a break for lunch at a café in the middle – cannot ever forget food!), I have read this most amazing book.
You might ask me “but what is this book you say is so good??”

Well, it is called The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary and wow, highly recommend. My friends were definitely right, this was right up my alley of books to read.

The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary | Waterstones
The Flat Share
By Beth O’Leary

And I cannot recommend it enough.

If you fancy reading a quirky, cute romantic book filled with lots of small, funny and relatable moments, then this could be the perfect read for you.
It is so relatable in more ways than one. It portrays life as messy and complicated with lots of messy relationships and multiple unexpected turns that you can just tell might happen to a person in real life.

Definitely a good rainy day book.
A good book for a bored-out-of-my-mind day.
Or even a good book for a I-don’t-want-to-do-work day (I mean I am a serial procrastinator).

Anyway, give it a try and let me know what you think.

Also, please recommend any books to me in the comments section and I will try to give them a read.
I am hoping that soon, you might all have a better idea of my book repertoire and so can pick things out just for me – or even something brand-new to intrigue me.

Sending you all forwards on your journey through life,

Keep Sailing Forwards